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“Aktion Deutschland Hilft” weitet Unterstützung in der Ukraine aus

Pressemeldung:“Aktion Deutschland Hilft” weitet Unterstützung in der Ukraine aus
15.02.2024 – 13:18 Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. Zwei Jahre nach Beginn des Krieges gegen die Ukraine verschärft sich die humanitäre Lage in dem kriegsgeschüttelten Land dramatisch. Rund 14,6 Millionen Menschen sind in diesem Jahr auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen – das sind etwa 40 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Angesichts dieser alarmierenden Zahlen hat "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" ihre Unterstützung massiv ausgeweitet: Die Zahl der Projekte hat sich von gut 100 im ersten Kriegsjahr auf 338 im Jahr 2023 erhöht. Gleichzeitig ist die Spendenbereitschaft der Menschen in Deutschland enorm - insgesamt wurden bereits rund 271 Millionen Euro für die Hilfe in der Ukraine gespendet. Doch die Situation erfordert weiterhin akute Nothilfe, vor allem in Bezug auf den bevorstehenden Winter. Lesen Sie hier den aktuellen Stand und die Herausforderungen der Hilfsorganisationen vor Ort.

Bremen (VBR). Humanitarian situation in war-torn Ukraine worsens: Aid organizations expand support

Bonn (ots) – Two years after the start of the war in Ukraine, the humanitarian situation in the conflict-ridden country is worsening dramatically. The number of people in Ukraine in need of humanitarian assistance has almost quadrupled: there were around three million before February 24, 2022. For this year, OCHA (the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) estimates that around 14.6 million people, or about 40% of the population, will require assistance. “Against this backdrop, the alliance organizations of ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’ have significantly expanded their support: the number of projects increased from just over 100 in the first year of the war to 338 in 2023,” says Dr. Markus Moke, Head of the Projects and Quality Assurance Department at ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’.

This has been made possible by the tremendous generosity of people in Germany. Since February 24, 2022, a total of approximately 271 million euros in donations have been received by ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’ for Ukraine. In 2023, Ukraine aid was the second most important purpose of donations within the alliance, following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. This also demonstrates the ongoing solidarity with Ukraine.

21 out of a total of 23 alliance organizations are still on the ground, implementing projects in Ukraine, eleven neighboring countries, and Germany. This vital assistance has already reached nearly nine million women, men, and children.

Focus on winter and emergency aid

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The ongoing war continues to necessitate urgent emergency aid: alliance organizations distribute food, medicine, medical supplies, and everyday necessities (such as hygiene products and diapers). After the destruction of the Nowa Kachowka dam on June 6, 2023, new relief needs arose. Following this additional catastrophe, alliance organizations provided affected people with the essentials.

Currently, winter aid is the focus: people can warm up and have warm meals in heated restrooms. Repairs have been made to windows, roofs, and doors to make homes winter-proof. Generators, fuel, and heating systems also help people endure the winter. The extent of support is demonstrated by this figure: in 2023, alliance organizations delivered over 957 tons of medicine and medical supplies to Ukraine. Prosthetics, crutches, wheelchairs, and walkers help injured individuals cope with their daily lives.

Most of the donations, nearly 72 percent, were used within Ukraine, followed by Germany with almost twelve percent and, finally, Ukraine’s neighboring countries. In Germany, around 20,000 people from Ukraine received support from alliance organizations, including language courses and counseling sessions.

Psychological support becomes increasingly important

As the war continues, psychological support for the traumatized population becomes increasingly crucial. Therefore, men, women, and children receive trauma therapy in individual and group sessions. Where this is not possible, helplines provide psychological support to people, even while they are taking shelter in bunkers during bomb alerts.

The local aid workers also increasingly need and receive psychological support to process their experiences. Due to the lack of secure access for humanitarian aid workers to the conflict areas, they repeatedly face life-threatening situations in their work. Many employees of local aid organizations, who collaborate with alliance organizations, are on the move daily in cities and villages along the front line. They provide residents with food, blankets, firewood, batteries, and more.

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While providing basic supplies to the population remains the focus along the front line, the rehabilitation of social facilities and public buildings, such as schools, is already possible in areas located at some distance from the front. Residential buildings are also being repaired.

“To continue supporting the people on the ground in this way, we must never let this cruel war become normal in our perception!” emphasizes Dr. Markus Moke. “Because for the people there, this war is just as bad as on the first day. No, even worse, as they have been experiencing bombs falling, their loved ones dying, and their homes being destroyed for two years.”

To the editors: We would be happy to arrange interviews and provide information on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the emergency aid provided by alliance organizations.

For more information about the assistance provided by our alliance organizations, please visit:

– Two years of emergency aid for Ukraine: An overview
– How people are faring after two years of war

“Aktion Deutschland Hilft,” Alliance of German Aid Organizations, is appealing for donations for the people in Ukraine.

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Donation reference: “Emergency Aid Ukraine”

IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30 (SozialBank)

Donate online at:

Brief profile ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.’

“Aktion Deutschland Hilft” is an alliance of reputable German aid organizations founded in 2001 that pool their resources in the event of major disasters to provide fast and effective aid. The more than 20 participating organizations combine their long-standing experience in humanitarian aid. Through the cooperation of “Aktion Deutschland Hilft,” the participating organizations coordinate their efforts so that there are no overlapping or gaps in aid on the ground, and the people in the disaster area receive the best possible assistance. Under a joint donation account, the alliance calls for solidarity and assistance in times of disaster. “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” is committed to responsible handling of donations and is a certified member of the German Donation Council, among other organizations. The alliance informs about the use and impact of donated funds in its annual financial reports:

Press contact:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
Tel: 0228/ 242 92 – 222
Fax: 0228/ 242 92 – 199

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